Creating the Life of Your Dreams via Meditation

Besides all other known benefits, there is one more thing regular meditation can assist with. It can help with creating the life of your dreams. Here’s how, but first let’s clear some meditation myths. Contrary to common belief, there are many types of meditation methods that you can choose from and not all of them include sitting down or being still with your eyes closed. Meditation can be done walking and standing. Anytime we focus on something other than our thoughts, we are meditating. It is possible to meditate while walking, lying down, standing, sitting, and even be done in silence or speaking. Besides, the perfect position for meditation is the one you are most comfortable in while you meditate.

designing the life of your dreams
Photo by Noelle Otto from Pexels

Types of Meditation

That said, there are two kinds of meditation: moving and still. Moving meditation, as the name suggests, involves moving your body and includes methods such as Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Yoga, dancing, walking, and even jogging. They are considered meditation because the mind is focused or centered around the breath. Thoughts are acknowledged without judgment while you redirect your focus to the breath. You can also focus on the movement itself, or on the internal energy flowing from the body, as well as on the external environment. In the case of dancing, for example, the focus can be on the music. 

On the other hand, with still meditation, our bodies and minds are not moving. With still meditation, you can be sitting, standing, or lying and focus on different things. You can focus on your breath, counting, a mantra (word or sound), or (with your eyes open) on a candle, incense, a rock, a spot on the ground or ceiling, the birds, the sky, you get the idea. Here the idea is to let thoughts run through your mind without attachment and without judgment, letting go, and bringing back the focus to whatever you originally set your focus on. When meditating, breath deeply through the nose and in a natural manner.

Using Meditation for Creating the Life of Your Dreams

Do you want to shape your destiny? You can be the creator of the life of your dreams via daily meditation practice and focus on improving your life. The truth is you have the ability to recreate yourself. You can become the person who will achieve all the goals you have set for your life. The life you can design is only limited by your own imagination.

As you improve yourself to be able to achieve your best life, you will consequently affect the lives of the people around you. Therefore, you should always strive to be kind, and considerate to others. Commit to adopting this behavior as you progress. “But how is this related to achieving my goals?”, you must be asking right now.

It Is a Journey

The thing is, to have embarked on this journey, it means you have realized how powerful your mind can be. The power of your mind can change your reality to whatever your dream life is, after all. And, with great power, comes great responsibility (did you know this phrase was popularized by the Spider Man?).

Let’s say, for example, you are about to buy a product at a store, but you think it’s too expensive. You may hear from the store owner all the things that come into calculating that final sales price. It’s the rental, the employees salaries, the cost of the product and others. You would then realize there are multiple points of view to the same circumstance and they may all be valid.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

In time, meditating allows your mind to see these multiple points of view more easily in everyday situations, without judgment. The world’s best leaders, negotiators, and diplomats know that you must see the opposing viewpoint to be able to reach an agreement. In all conflicts, there are always reasons each side can present to justify why it is they are right and the other, wrong. However, you can only reach true compromise by meeting the opposition in a middle point from where you both started.

Different Points of View

If you could travel to space, your view of planet earth, from within your spaceship, would be much different from the view of people that stayed. You would not see their perspective. At the same time, each of you could have a separate picture of the planet.

You can isolate yourself and even meditate from a mountain top. Once you have seen the full picture, though, you will feel an obligation to help mankind with acts of kindness. Once you have discovered how fulfilling that is, “who is right and who is wrong” is no longer the question.

Your new quest becomes, “how can I help?”. And once you get into that state of flow, you realize you cannot help and not be helped. Not that anyone should go into the business of helping others with the goal of receiving things in return. It is, however, a natural law of reciprocity. One thing will lead to the other and, sooner than you think, things will start to go your way.

And this is how meditating can help shift your mindset and bring you closer to creating the life of your dreams. Set your life goals, use meditation as one of the tools for shifting your mindset, grow into the best version of you, realize the path is through helping others, manifest your reality. Rinse, repeat. And don’t forget to enjoy the ride.

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