Why You Should Build a Vision Board

If you have goals in life you would like to achieve, building a vision board is an extremely effective tool to help you achieve them. To explain why it is effective, first we need to understand why visualization works. But let’s start from the beginning.

What is a Vision Board?

A vision (or visualization, or dream) board is, as the name suggests, a visual representation of your goals, usually taped or pinned to a board that you hang, preferably, somewhere you can see it often.

The practice of visualizing your goals is one of the most effective ways to enhance the chances of achieving the outcomes you are aiming for. This can be just in your mind, or from looking at your electronic device wallpaper or a vision board.

For example, if your goal is to travel this summer to Sicily, in Italy, having a picture of the place you want to visit helps you visualize yourself there. By doing that, you are creating the image of that experience in your mind. 

But that is one of my goals… maybe some of your goals could include:

• Getting married

• Having children

• Paying off college

• Starting your own business

• Finding a new job

• Buying a new home

• Getting a raise

• Improving your fitness

What are your goals?

What is Visualization or Imagery

Visualization or imagery is the process where, by creating an image of a desired goal in your mind, you can also imagine how it would feel, smell, taste, sound and look like. When you visualize, you are activating neural pathways in your brain that are the same as if you were experiencing the real thing. 

Going back to the above example of visiting Sicily in the summer; you could imagine feeling the warm sun, hearing the tourists walking by on a busy pebble stone street, looking at the sea clear waters from an outdoor café while tasting one of their famous Italian pizzas. To your subconscious, it’s as if you were there. The more senses you use, the better. With that mental exercise, you are telling your brain this experience is real (since it can’t differentiate real from imagined). More often than you’d think, that’s exactly what ends up happening in your real life in a near future. Repeat this process for each of your goals.

Scientific studies (references (1),(2)) have shown that the regular practice of visualization benefits range from athletic ability to cognitive performance, to self esteem and goal achievement – which is what we aim to use visualization for.

Famous athletes, including Olympic, have used visualization successfully to enhance their performances and improve their chances of success, such as Michael Phelps, Billie Jean King, Muhammad Ali and many others.

Vision Board ideas

If you have never seen or created a vision board, here are some ideas of how to go about it:

  • First, take some time to identify your specific goals – things you desire to achieve in your life.
  • Then, look for images (on-line or on books or magazines) that visually represent those goals.
  • You can also add colorful notes, quotes, positive affirmations and graphics to make it even more visually appealing and inspiring (you can see our printable kit for that here).
  • Place all of these gathered images onto your board and arrange them the way you like. Once you are happy, attach them into place and hang the board in a prominent place.
  • Iterations are normal. Some priorities will change as you go through creating your vision board. Some goals will be discarded, others will come up. Give yourself time and permission to adjust and change your board when those things happen.
  • Remember to look at it everyday. Take some time to practice the visualization for each of the goals you have there represented.

Vision board example

This is a quick example but as you can see, you can focus on whichever areas you want to prioritize. Make time to determine those very personal goals, and prioritize them. The more they inspire and light you up, the better!

Law of Attraction

Above I explained the brain science behind the mechanism of visualization. This part is what some would call the “woo-woo” explanation.
When you visualize your goals in your brain, you send that message to your subconscious. That activates the power of your mind and beyond, setting events in motion that are sometimes inexplicable. You start having new ideas of actions to take, people around you seem inclined to help you out, unexpected circumstances start happening that bring you opportunities – all in favor of realizing (or manifesting) your goals. It’s like the universe all of a sudden conspires to bring you what you want… and that’s exactly what happens as a result of visualization and affirmation (which by the way we talk all about here).

That, naturally, includes you taking action to make things happen. Don’t think it will fall from the sky once you start these practices. But these practices do boost your chances of success.

Don’t just wish for it: work for it! And fully expect it to happen – confidence and persistence are paramount in attaining your goals. So don’t wait! Go now build your vision board if you haven’t yet. Then, watch your goals come into fruition quicker and easier than you expected.


(1) https://oxfordre.com/psychology/view/10.1093/acrefore/9780190236557.001.0001/acrefore-9780190236557-e-228#acrefore-9780190236557-e-228-div1-2

(2) https://www.scienceabbey.com/2018/10/24/power-of-the-mind-the-science-of-visualization-1/#_ftn1

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