Finding Clarity Via Journaling

The first step to manifesting your dream life is to define what you want in your life. Finding clarity via journaling helps you achieve that. What do we mean by define what you want?

Step 1

What you truly want, not what you think you should want, given what you have been told.

Step 2

What you want, specifically. Not only: “I want more money”, but exactly how much? What are you going to do with it? How is it going to look like and feel when you have achieved it?

Have you ever had an open conversation with a friend where you both talked about your deepest dreams, without judgment? Have you ever played that mental game “what would I do if I won the lottery”? If I had all the resources and no worries? These are the types of daydreaming that lead us to our deepest desires, the ones we haven’t dared to tap into – because we tend to feel we are not worthy of our dreams.

Newsflash: it is 2021, the world is waking up in a post-pandemic era to the fact that yes, there is more to life than this, we are worthy of a happier life, and even of our wildest dreams! But what are they? Have you given yourself permission to dream?

giving yourself permission to dream
Photo by Pixabay on

This is the Time

Especially after 2020, where we had to put our lives on pause, restrict our routines to what was safe and allowed, cut back on our freedoms for the benefit of our and society’s health; we are reaching a time where it’s again starting to get safer to be out there, to socialize in person, to be seen. This period was for many a big exercise in self-reflection and self-awareness, where we were in a way forced to slow down, self-assess, and see what we liked about our lives… or not.

It was also the time to find out where we want to go from here. If we’re not happy where we are… then what needs to change? Are we clear on where we want to be headed? Because if we’re not, how are we going to get there?

So this is the time to get clear and specific on our dreams. If you have a friend you can have that deep conversation with, go schedule it. Have that “what would I do if I won the lottery” conversation with someone. It is a great exercise to uncovering what would make your heart sing. And that’s the beginning of the journey…

Whether you have someone like that to talk to, or not; the other thing you can do to delve deep into your dormant desires and find clarity: via journaling.

How to go About Finding Clarity via Journaling

When I first got introduced to journaling, I thought it was a brilliant idea: you can process your thoughts and feelings, reach greater self-awareness, practice gratitude, and so much more! However, if I sat with a blank piece of paper and a pen in my hand, I had no idea where to start. My mind would do summersaults around all the topics I could start writing about and I could not decide what to write. Has that ever happened to you?

That is when I found out about prompts and journal lists. Thank goodness for prompts! They are like a compass in the middle of the woods. They tell your mind just where it needs to go, think about and you can then write it all down. It’s like having a conversation with yourself. I like to think I’m asking questions to my higher self, so I get the best possible answers. Or my successful self – the version of me after I’ve reached my current goals and dreams, and is living her best life. What would my future me answer?

If you think about it this way, the current version of you has achieved a lot of the goals you set for yourself 5 to 10 years ago. If your older self could have a conversation with your current self, what would your current self tell your younger self about the achievements you are working towards (back then)? Now imagine your future self: all going according to plan, it will be in an even better place than today!

Finding Clarity Via Journaling
Photo by Matthew Henry from Burst

But Where to Find Prompts?

You can find journaling prompts online, but we will give you a shortcut. You can get started with the prompts below, and if you want more, download our free 100 journal prompts for self-discovery here.

Here are 10 prompts you’ll find in it:

  • What do you love the most about yourself and why?
  • If you could guess, what do people think of you when they first meet you?
  • What are your 3 main priorities in life currently? What would you like to focus your time and energy on?
  • Who makes you laugh the most?
  • When was the last time you did something nobody expected? How did it make you feel?
  • If you could relive any moment in your life what would it be and why?
  • What are your biggest fears? How likely are they to happen?
  • What would you like others to remember you by?
  • What are your 3 favorite things to do with your partner? Do they have the same or different favorites?
  • If you gave a speech to 350,000 people, what would the topic be about?

I hope these can get you inspired to start having that conversation with yourself started. You can also do it with a friend! Some of the questions (or prompts) may seem a little challenging to answer at first, but don’t get discouraged! Give yourself time to reflect on it and the answer will come. Don’t rush through this process. If you don’t have the habit of reaching for answers deep inside yourself, you may feel resistance at first. I understand because I’ve been there, too. If a question draws a blank on me, I get back to it later, or the next day. You don’t have to answer them in the order they came, either… 😉

Pick one a day, if you must. Make it a 100-day challenge. One question a day should not be hard to do… What do you think, are you up to it? The reward will be a deeper understanding of yourself, your thoughts, opinions, feelings, and dreams. And this is the beginning of a solid foundation towards the journey that here, we call Blissful Road – where the destination is your happiest, most purpose-driven, fulfilled you. ❤

(Pinnable Image below!)

100 Prompts to find clarity via journaling

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