Finding Your Purpose [+ video interview]

For the longest time in my life, I believed only a few people were given a life skill and had a meaningful purpose. The rest of us should just follow the herd and be grateful if we didn’t end up in a job we hated. Did you fall into this belief, too? Or did you finally discover that everyone, including me and you, has a purpose? And if you did, how did you go about finding your purpose?

When I finally understood that I, too, was eligible for having my own personal and meaningful purpose, I was confused. But I’ve worked on this corporate job for 20+ years now, and that’s all I know. And if this is not it, then what is? And how to go about finding it?

finding your purpose

Make a Decision

The first step in the process is to decide that you want to do something meaningful with your life, even if you don’t know yet exactly what it is. It’s ok. Everything is part of the process. You must first decide, if you are not satisfied, that this is not enough and you are willing to start the learning journey to get to a happier place.

Get Help

I can tell you how the process went for me and what I discovered about how it can go for you. I ended up hiring a confidence coach, after years of trying to figure it out by myself. This is why one of my advice is always: if it’s not something you can quickly figure out on your own, don’t wait, ask for help. I’ve developed dozens of skills watching YouTube videos, but sometimes you just need guidance. And the way to know is, time is passing and you are still facing the same issues that you can’t figure out how to resolve.

That said, this coach gave me the guidance I needed to see this path that was mine and was right in front of my eyes. I just needed to pay attention and develop some self-confidence that I could pull it off. Then, I had another decision to make: follow it.

Trust the Process

How many people have you heard saying “If I could do it, anyone can?”. Successful people are not chosen ones, special, or smarter than you. Once you decide what path you will start following, believing things will work out in the end is crucial to staying the course. Whether you are embarking on an entrepreneurship journey or starting a new job, or moving to a new city, or starting a new life, know that if you are following your heart, it will be alright.

Enjoy the Process

Remember to have fun on your journey. It’s not all about reaching your goals, it’s about the process. Make it to where you can feel the joy in the now. It will make all the difference. I have met so many interesting and inspiring people in my journey! One of them is clarity coach Martina Kruli, who has so many insights about finding clarity and purpose in your life, we ended up getting together and having an amazing discussion about it! I’ll link the video interview below!

Build Your Life on Your Terms

It is so important to protect your space and your energy. If you have decided to follow your path, chances are it is not what others expected you to do, and you’ll find resistance along the way. Make sure you set your boundaries so these negative energies do not impact you. Choose your companies and environment carefully. Give preference to surrounding yourself with people and things that support your journey.

Get Moving

For some people, knowing what they were born to do comes naturally and from childhood, they know it. For most of us, though, it gets lost in time and takes some effort to recover. That doesn’t mean we don’t have a purpose. It also doesn’t mean we cannot do anything about it before we know 100% for sure what it will look like.

One of the best pieces of advice I’ve heard on my discovery journey was that action brings clarity. For me, that gave me permission to get started on my blog, and my online store, and what became Blissful Road today with a lot more to it, bringing awareness to all about the power of the mindset! So get what hunch you have and start trying, start small if you have to. Give yourself permission

Challenge Yourself

Finding your purpose and going after it is about growth. It is about getting out of your comfort zone. Doing things that challenge you regularly will be required! And that’s ok because when you come out on the other side, you’ll be so glad you did. And you’ll be better for it. For me, being on video is a big challenge. So here is a treat and a rare (for now!) video interview presenting me and Martina, discussing how to find your purpose in life, filled with wisdom nuggets (and freebies at the end!). I hope you enjoy it and that it inspires you.

MartinaK is a Clarity Alignment Coach helping you become an inspiring leader and master of life you love.

Her constant search for happiness and money left her broke, miserable and lonely in a foreign country. That was when she realized that real transformation starts within, so she mastered the formula to fulfillment.

Her search has turned into a mission. Today she is helping other women find their unique path and fulfilling careers they love and get handsomely paid for it by working with individuals, small groups, and running powerful workshops.

She teaches the importance of self-awareness, mastering yourself and your inner world as the core solution to most problems.

Because it all starts with YOU!

Before You Go

Thank you for watching!

Don’t forget to grab your free 100 Journal Prompts for Self-Discovery I mentioned in the video.

Martina’s freebie can be found in her website:


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